Publication Ethics

Obligations of Editorial Staff

  • The Editors (including Guest Editors), the Editorial Advisory Board members, the Online Journal Management Board members and the Editorial Office Secretary (from now onthe Editorial Staff) are committed to ensuring that all submitted manuscripts receive an unbiased and impartial evaluation in order to guarantee the authors an accurate, impartial and comprehensive scientific judgment.
  • The Editors have responsibility to accept or reject a submitted manuscript. In order to reach this decision, the Editors may seek support from the Editorial Advisory Board members and request evaluation from qualified Referees.
  • As RiMe covers a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas within the broad field of History and Social Sciences, the Editors will seek to ensure that each submitted manuscript is assigned to Referees who possess relevant expertise in the specific area/s addressed in the manuscript.
  • The Editorial Staff will not disclose information about any manuscript under consideration for publication to anyone other than Referees. In any case, the authors' identity and institution affiliation/s will not be disclosed to Referees.
  • The Editors and the Editorial Advisory Board will:
    • adhere consistently to, maintain and promote the ethical code of the journal;
    • monitor and take action to enforce ethical policies in a fair and consistent way;
    • exercise the highest standards of integrity, recognizing cases where there might be conflicting interests and planning appropriate interventions;
    • work proactively with authors, referees and members of the Editorial Advisory Board to ensure that all parties are appropriately informed of the journal’s ethical code, editorial policies, and achieve impartial and timely management of the journal.
  • Where any errors are identified in a paper published in the latest edition of the Journal, the Editors will ensure publication of a suitable erratum.
  • The Editors commit to clearly identify any papers that have been invited for publication; such papers are not submitted for Referees' evaluation.
  • The Editorial Staff guarantees that the Referees' evaluation process is devoted to checking the comprehensiveness, accuracy and clarity of submitted manuscripts.
  • The Editorial Staff seeks to ensure that papers published in RiMe adhere fully to the same COPE ethical standards that the journal observes.
  • The Editorial Staff is committed to informing readers about actions undertaken to ensure unbiased evaluation.
  • The Editorial Staff publishes comprehensive Instructions for Authors, which are regularly updated as appropriate.
  • The Editorial Staff publishes the names of members of the Editorial Advisory Board and the annual list of Referees.
  • The Editors are committed to recruiting new members to the Editorial Advisory Board, specifically highly qualified scholars who have actively contributed to the journal's enhancement and scientific development.

Obligations of Authors

  • Authors are expected to submit an accurately written manuscript that follows the Authors’ Guidelines and Editorial Guidelines. They are to ensure that the content is relevant in regard to the scope of the Journal as described in the Editorial Guidelines and/or the specific Call for Papers.
  • Full papers should contain an accurate and detailed account of the research performed.
  • Authors should cite any relevant reference or published research in order to situate their work within the research field and provide a better understanding of their investigation.
  • Papers already published elsewhere or submitted for publication to other journals, cannot be submitted to the Journal.
  • Authors are expected to respond suitably to any Referees' remarks received, particularly by incorporating any requested modifications or following suggestions for optimisation. If Authors fail to do so, or do not provide reasonable justification for not doing so, the manuscript may not be accepted for publication.
  • The people listed as Authors of a submitted manuscript shall only be those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the reported research and/or to the drafting of the paper itself.
  • Any Author who believes that the present Code of Ethics has been breached may send a complaint to the Editors.

Obligations of Referees

  • During the peer-review process, the appointed Referees are expected to suggest any improvements they feel can or should be made to the submitted manuscript. Additionally, they will support decision making about the submitted manuscripts, mediated by the Editor/s.
  • Any Referee who feels inadequately to judge a manuscript, as the content does not deal with his/her specialist subject, should inform the Editorial staff.
  • The Referee will promptly inform the Editorial staff in the case that the review cannot be complete by the agreed deadline.
  • The Referee will guarantee freedom of expression, providing an unbiased judgment of the manuscript's content and quality, and be respectful of the Authors' scientific [intellectual] independence. Personal and/or ideological criticism will not be tolerated.
  • The Referee will avoid any situation of actual or perceived conflict of interest and, where such a conflict should arise, refrain from evaluating the manuscript. Such conflicts may include, but are not limited to, evaluation of manuscripts written by their own students, by colleagues with whom the Referee has recently collaborated/co-authored other papers, and by those belonging to the same research group.
  • The Referee is to treat the manuscript as a confidential document: content is not to be disclosed to any degree to third parties and the Referee will refrain from referring to or otherwise using the content for his/her own purposes.
  • The Referee undertakes to explain expressed judgments in a proper manner, providing unbiased and clear remarks.
  • The Referee is expected to ascertain whether the manuscript contains sufficient, relevant and appropriate references to other authors' papers and/or works.
  • The Referee will report any cases in which s/he believes the manuscript contains plagiarism or infringes copyright.

The identity of the Referee will not be disclosed to authors unless the Referee makes an explicit and justifiable request to do so.